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Planning Board Minutes 5/9/13
Planning Board minutes for Thursday May 9, 2013

The meeting was opened at 7:10 p.m.

Members present: Alan Salamon, Larry Klein, Maggie Leonard, and Roger Tryon. Barry Karson arrived at 7:20 p.m.

Members absent: Bridget Krans, Stephen Enoch.

Members of the public: Patrick McColgan of Taconic Land Consultants and Harlan Lanoue.

Patrick McColgan from Taconic Land Consultants presented a Form A plan for Harlan Lanoue’s property at 36 Sandisfield Rd. Monterey. Lanoue is swapping 865 square feet with his abutters on the west side in order to have room for construction of a garage without encroaching into the setback. McColgan’s plan shows Lanoue gaining a wedge of 865 square feet near his dwelling (lot A) and Lanoue giving a wedge of 865 square feet to his abutter near the rear of his property (lot B). Klein made a motion to accept the plan, Salamon seconded and the board unanimously approved the Form A application. A check for $40 was received.

Klein stated that he thought the board must record meetings to be in compliance with the open meeting law. Salamon responded that accurate minutes must be kept but did not think it was mandatory to record the meeting. We will check on it.

The board read the minutes from 4-11-13 and they were approved as amended. There were no minutes from 4-25-13 as the clerk was absent.

The board reviewed the letter from the Attorney General to the Town Clerk regarding the 2012 Zoning Bylaw revision. It was noted on page 4 (of the letter) that someone needs to check with the FAA regarding helipads and that we need to check with Town Counsel to coordinate a review with Mass DOT. Salamon suggested that we email the letter from the AG to Mark Bobrowski.

Salamon presented language for inclusion in the Zoning Bylaw section 2.0 Districts and section 3.0 Use Regulations. The proposed language would create overlay districts for both telecommunications and for solar power, both of which include the entire town of Monterey. Karson asked, “What if someone in the Lakeshore District wants to build a LGSPS? Should we make it a Board of Appeals decision?” The board generally agreed but also wanted to wait until Enoch and Krans were present to make a decision or take a vote.

National Floodplain Insurance Program. Salamon and Klein will try to arrange a meeting with BRPC to get more information.

The board discussed having a Special Town Meeting in the fall to deal with the overlay districts, the solar power bylaw, and possibly the NFIP bylaw.

The board agreed to learn about land use issues around the siting of medical marijuana clinics. BRPC recently emailed a memo on the subject.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,
Maggie Leonard, co-chair